alta cleaning instructions
The Alta™ cleaning instructions are simple and easy to follow!
To learn more, visit the Alta™ Cleaning Instructions page. Feel free to download them, and keep them for yourself. We also offer laundering instructions and a list of tested cleaners.
Check out the Alta™ cleaning demonstration videos and steps below, or check out our Vimeo.
Quick Spill Cleanup Demonstration |
3 Hour Spill Cleanup Demonstration |
Quick Spill Cleanup
• Gently blot (don’t rub) a spill immediately with a dry, clean, absorbent cloth, paper towel.
• No rinsing needed!
3 Hour Stain Cleanup
• Remove any excess soil or debris from the surface. Flush the stained area liberally with warm water then blot with a dry, clean, absorbent cloth.
• Change the towel surface frequently until spot is gone. Try to avoid brushing which can spread the stain; keep repeating the process until the stain has been removed.
• Repeat by rinsing with warm water and then blot with a clean, dry cloth if needed.
18 Hour Stain Cleanup
• Follow steps 1 & 2 first, then using 2-3 drops of mild dishwashing detergent with a cup of water – apply to the stained area.
• Gently work the solution into the area, wait a minute, and blot the spot with a clean, dry, absorbent cloth. Repeat until the spot has been completely removed.
• After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with warm water and blot to remove any soap residue.
• Any remaining soap not rinsed away in the fabric can cause a reoccurring stain.
• A warm water extraction machine is an excellent tool for cleaning soiled fabrics. Please follow the instructions on the machine for use.
• Steam cleaning can damage the fiber of the fabric and is not recommended.
• Still have a problem? Call the experts at Applied Textiles for help with any textile cleaning challenge.